The Ultimate Guide to Paywall Removers

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January 6, 2023

Best Archive Paywall Removers

In the big world of the internet, some websites ask you to pay money to see certain information. We call these paywalls. They are like digital gates, keeping some cool stuff behind them. But don't worry! There's a trick you can use – archive websites like and webarchive.

The Paywall Puzzle

Some websites make you pay before letting you see their best content. It's like having to pay to get into a fun park. There are different types of these digital gates. Some are super strict and won't let you in at all without paying. Others are a bit more chill, letting you in for free but only showing you a little bit before asking for money.

Meet Archive Websites: Time Machines for the Internet

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Archive websites are like digital time machines. They were made to capture how the internet looked at different times. But guess what? They accidentally help you get through paywalls! Two popular ones are and webarchive. They let you see old versions of websites.

Sneaky but Ethical Use of Archive Websites

This article is all about using archive websites to look at things behind paywalls – but in a nice way. We say it's okay to do this as long as you're careful. It's like peeking through a window for a short time. But, there are some rules to follow. We'll talk about those rules and have a chat about whether it's fair to have paywalls at all.

So, let's dive into this adventure! We'll figure out how these paywalls work, learn the secret moves to use archive websites, and talk about whether it's right or wrong. Get ready to open the digital door to some cool stuff!

Types of Paywalls

These paywalls aren't all the same. Some are super strict. They say, "No money, no entry!" These are called hard paywalls. Others are a bit more relaxed. They let you in for free but only show you a little bit. When you want to see more – ding, ding, ding – they ask for money. We call these soft paywalls. And then there are those that let you in a few times for free, but after that, they want you to pay. These are like the "pay after a few visits" rides at an amusement park – metered paywalls.

Best Archive Paywall Removers

We all hate annoying paywalls when trying to read news articles. They bait you with catchy titles and then immediately hit you with a paywall to pay them before you can read the article. They also cost as much as $300 per year for a single news site. So here are the best ways to remove those annoying paywalls using archive sites.

What is an Archive Website

An archive site, as the name suggests, keeps an archive of the internet. These websites regularly capture snapshots of differnet websites to keep a record of all of the websites that exist on the internet. Think of it as a massive filing cabnet that saves websites at different times. They can't capture the website every second as that would be far too much data, so they tend to save websites every few days to weeks. But none of that is important for us here, what really matters is how we can use these websites to read articles without paywalls.

How to use article sites to remove paywalls

The idea is pretty simple. All you need to do is go to sites like